What would you order from this menu? - venison with cream cheese
Do you think that sounds restaurant special enough to celebrate, at my first anniversary?
In the beginning ...
Roasted sweet potato and coconut and lime soup
Home smoked duck breast with apples, raisins, celery salad and hazelnut vinaigrette and orange
Harriss fish cakes with green beans, pine nuts, watercress salad, red pepper aioli
Eggplant, tomatoes and goat cheese galette with oregano and lemon oil
To continue ...
Leg of Lamb with Butterbean, chorizo and tomato stew
Charmoula grilled swordfish with braised fennel, green olives, lemon confit and tarragon
Chicken breast stuffed with cheese and herbs and a blend of roasted peppers Provence
Venison cabbage and grilled with bacon, ginger and chilli, and a port jus
Honey Glazed Roasted squash with pesto with cherry tomatoes, blue cheese, spicy sauce with lentils du Puy and Roquette
All served with roasted potatoes with rosemary and garlic shoots, carrots and Brussels
In conclusion ...
W Vanilla CheesecakeITH Karamellsauce
The pot of dark chocolate and Cointreau and walnut cookies
Syrup, molasses, coconut, pecan pie Vanilla Ice Cream
Cheese and crackers
Coffee and chocolate
If it were me, I see the menu and go elsewhere. Food combinations are weird. I prefer a little less greedy and a little closer to the earth.
Love to have had this menu in a restaurant for a special occasion and during several visits probably try everything. Although my first visit, I would:
Starter: Duck
Main: Lamb
Dessert: chocolate pot
Duck & Lamb is a rare one for me to choose for this reason.
I want to start with duck breast, followed by game, then the pot of chocolate and Cointreau. My theory has always been to make things in a good restaurant, all I can do at home, using ingredients not readily available or are too long. Happy Birthday!
I want to be invited to celebrate. Year with pleasure ..... I had similar menus on a recent cruise.
Roasted sweet potato and coconut and lime soup
Leg of Lamb with Butterbean, chorizo and tomato stew
The pot of dark chocolate and Cointreau and walnut cookies
a little brandy.
Ooh delicious menu! It would be to:
Eggplant, tomatoes and goat cheese galette with oregano and lemon oil
Leg of Lamb with Butterbean, chorizo and tomato stew
Cheese and crackers
Really pleased as cheese and crackers and cake, no!
I begin with sweet potato cake and grilled fish. Thus, the antenna would be pumpkin, with a cookie or two and a bottle of water instead of a cup of coffee.
Eggplant, tomatoes and goat cheese galette with oregano and lemon oil
Chicken breast stuffed with cheese and herbs and a blend of roasted peppers Provence
Vanilla cheesecake with caramel sauce
I would not have a starter
Stuffed chicken breast
Black Biscuit, chocolate and nut finish something
The owners are very rare, I was not one of them
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